Whats the gay flag colors

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Once inspiration struck, Baker wanted to give this new rainbow meaning. It was like a rainbow.’ What do the colours in the Rainbow Flag mean? North beach beatniks… bored bikers in black leather, lithe girls in belly-dance get-ups, pink haired punks… muscle gayboys… butch dykes in blue jeans and fairies of all genders… we were all in a swirl of colour and light. In Baker’s memoir, Rainbow Warrior, he wrote: ‘The crowd was as much a part of the show as the band.

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Homosexual prisoners at the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen, Germany, wearing pink triangles on their uniforms, are marched outdoors by Nazi guards on Decem(Picture: © CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)įor the new emblem of the community, the idea came to Gilbert Baker at a party.

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