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You want to tell us a little bit about Troy as a child growing up in Florida - as a Christian and a closeted gay person? Thank you! DURAN: So let’s go back to Florida because I think that’s where it all gets started. PERRY: (laughs) well here we go so here we go it’s great to be on the show with you too. I’ve interviewed you before but never for 45 minutes this will be wonderful. DURAN: I’ve been so looking forward to this interview because you and I have been friends for such a long time.

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He was featured in a 2007 documentary film on his life titled “CALL ME TROY”. Perry is also one of the co-founders of Christopher Street West-the annual Pride celebration in Southern CA. MCC now has 222 congregations in 37 countries. Troy Perry-the founder of the Metropolitan Community Churches in Los Angeles on October 6, 1968.

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In this three part profile, Duran speaks with the Rev. Introducing “Lavender Pen” by John Jude Duran a series of interviews with pioneering and iconic LGBT figures across Southern California.

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